talk normal is the belligerent child of myself & andrya ambro. it traveled many times around America, Canada, Western Europe & some of Japan. now it's been sent off to boarding school. here's what we did:
bad date
in a strangeland
transmission lost
cover by tn + ted mcgrath
Released via Joyful Noise Recordings, 2013
Recorded in approx 6 too many studios for anyone's sanity, this will probably be the last TN LP. Some big leaps forward, w/a lot of love.
Lone General
Bad Date
Hot Water Burns
Shot This Time
Baby, Your Heart's Too Big
M'Lady's 7"
cover art by kim gordon
Released via M'Lady's Records, 2011
A preview of two tracks from Sunshine, this 7" has demo versions of Lone General & Hurricane. This was soon after Kim Gordon had done her "Noise Paintings" series & she kindly let us use her artwork where she'd homaged our band.
cover by tn + ted mcgrath + kim bost
Released via Rare Book Room Records, 2009
Our first full album, came into existence with much appreciated love & support from Mike Wolf & Nicolas Vernhes.
Hot Song
In A Strangeland
Bold Face
Transmission Lost
River's Edge
In Every Dream Home A Heartache
Secret Cog
cover by sarah register
Released via Just For The Hell Of It Recs & Menlo Park Recs, 2008
Grinnin' In Your Face
33 (Featuring Richard Hoffman)
Rest With Me
Prata Normalt
art by fagge fagerström
Released via Moptaco Dics, 2008
A surprise limited edition bootleg, made by Daniel Fagerström without our knowledge (& to our delight) from recordings during a 2008 tour with The Skull Defekts.
River's Edge
Bold Face
Hot Song
Night People Cassette
cover by shawn reed
Released via Night People People Records & Tapes, 2007(8?)
This was a huge confidence boost in 2008, that THE Shawn Reed wanted to put out a tape for us on Night People. Still a favorite.
Grinnin' In Your Face
Rest With Me
Demos v2
cover by sarah register
Burned onto CDRs by me, late 2007
There was a v1 version that included an impossible to find old TN song called B-L-U-E-S. It got the boot early but still has a place in my heart. The v1 cover art was only slightly different. I believe v2 was the same tracklisting as the Night People Cassette.
Above is everything that's us & only us. From here down it's split 7"'s & comps.
Cause & Effect 7" Series
art by shawn k. knight
Joyful Noise Recordings releases a ton of gorgeously packaged, inventively thought out collector's items. It was cool to be asked to be involved in the 2013 debut of this 3x7" Cause & Effect annual series, with JN's concept of "first came one, then came the other" pairings. We're matched up with Thurston Moore, and it's fair to say that Sonic Youth had an impact.
Lou Barlow - Crack and Emerge
Dumb Numbers - Last Night I Had A Dream
Thurston Moore - Gleo
Talk Normal - Shot This Time
David Yow - Thee Itch
Child Bite - Abysmal Splatter
Gold Dime 7" split w/Thurston Moore
cover by tn
Fast Weapons released this 7" in 2011, which was to become our first of two split 7"'s with Thurston Moore (see above). Nathan Howdeshell set this all up and kind of sprung it on us, resulting in this somewhat slapdash version of Gold Dime which will forever live in my heart - a track that was intended for Sunshine but didn't make it. I'm glad (especially in light of that) that this came into being, it was a strong and weird step forward for me personally, and it let me tell a story + get a monkey off my back.
Thurston Moore - Boogie X, Hot Date, Boogie Y
Talk Normal - Gold Dime
Quick Words 7" split w/Christy & Emily
cover art by maya hayuk + morgan blair
German record label Klangbad released this 7" in 2011, a split with fellow Brooklyn-ers Christy & Emily. This felt fondly like a neighborhood project, with art by locals Maya Hayuk and Morgan Blair. Our side is the same version of Hurricane that later was the B side of the M'Lady's 7".
Christy & Emily - Bells
Talk Normal - Hurricane
Cassingle split w/Lower Dens
cover design by sarahana
It would be impossible to say enough good things about Impose Records, Impose Magazine and/or Impose owner Derek Evers. Similarly impossible to sum up the wonder that is Lower Dens. This was released in 2010... long before then we'd played a weird, awesome & soaking wet show @ Bard College with a real mixed bag of characters on the lineup, which is where we first saw & met the incredible Jana Hunter. This cassette has an early version of Hot Water Burns, which was re-envisioned eventually for Sunshine.
Lower Dens - Submit
Talk Normal - Hot Water Burns
Not Not Fun's "My Estrogeneration" Comp
art by diva dompe
Featuring TN in the company of:
Zola Jesus, Tickley Feather, Pocahaunted, Inca Ore, Topaz Rags, HNY, Islaja (featuring Samara Lubelski and Blevin Blectum), LA Vampires, U.S. Girls, Valet
7" split w/Shearing Pinx
trying to find out who did this art
I don't know a ton about this 2011 Scotch Tapes release and am not sure that I've ever seen a copy. But I can say that we once played in Vancouver with Shearing Pinx and they were face-meltingly awesome, and very kind. It was a good night. An early version of XO is our track on this 7", another one that was later revamped for Sunshine.
The illustrious "Coldest Beer In Town" compilation cassette, made by Allison of Awesome Color…